Monday, May 21, 2012


How are you spending your summer so far?
I thought mine would be a disaster but that didn't happened though. I can describe mine as SUMMER PARADISE! I was given the chance to attend the 60th Youth summer camp (some of the photos were posted on this blog), met some new friends and spending most of my time with my family. The church that I'm attending also offered me a free summer workshop, although I stopped attending for weeks now still I'm thankful because I learned some basic steps to start playing the guitar. Ain't no mountain high enough! The summer is almost over and I'm very EXCIVOUS (excited plus nervous) for my second year in college. Have no idea what it would be like. No idea whose gonna be my professor. I got twenty nine units this time compared to my last year's twenty six. And since I'm in my second year now, I got some majors. It'll be a hard and STU-DYING for me. Off topic: I'm reading a book from a famous Best-seller author and this question keeps on popping through my mind. Read the first sentence on the picture below.

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